Breath Stress . . . Be Gone!

Get an upset stomach and here's what else you can get: bad breath. How can you keep that total turnoff from happening? Yogurt. Not only is it easy on the digestive system, it's excellent at reducing hydrogen sulfide in the mouth—a particularly unpleasant compound (the same one that's in rotten eggs) that can be a side effect of internal distress.

Yogurt counteracts hydrogen sulfide the same way it does so many other good things in your body: by replenishing beneficial bacteria in your intestinal system.

Just be sure your yogurt of choice has live active cultures—they're the source of those good-for-you bacteria. Not all yogurts have them, especially the highly processed, sugar-loaded varieties that might as well be sundaes. Check yogurt labels for LAC—shorthand for live active cultures—and eat about half a cup twice a day until your insides are back to normal. At least you won't have to worry about your breath while your body's rumbling and grumbling.

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